Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yeah yeah...I'm slow hahaha

I've been so crazy busy this year. But I'm still truckin!!! It is now July and hard to believe my little prince has just turned 6 years old. He had a party this past weekend at McDonald's and had a great time. He got some wonderful gifts, including his "Oobi eyes" which he loves. We are still fighting the shitty system here in NC about getting him help. It's ridiculous. It's been a year and a half since his initial diagnosis and we seem to keep hitting roadblocks. NuDay wasn't worth the calls I put in to them. They finally came back out, claiming she had went on vacation. Got his plan made up, I signed it, and haven't heard another damn word. So we are just forgetting about them. All this hype about them helping us get the help he deserves and how they can lead us to places and get us in quicker than we could on our own. I'm kicking my OWN ass because I didn't go with TEACCH in the first place, due to their long waiting list (usually 6-9 months). By now we could have been in there and started treatments and therapies. So I gave them a call today and left a message. We've been fighting the stupid ass school system, trying to get his IEP renewed, which ran out in May. I started calling them in April. Here it's July and it's still not renewed and can't get renewed til school starts back. So now they have to go off his old IEP, which really needs a lot of updating. We're trying our damnedest to move back to Mount Airy, where we belong...back to my roots and to the school system I trust to take care of my special needs child. So far no luck but I'm not giving up hope just yet.

Can you believe Destinee will be a YEAR old in two months? Well not even that now...less than 2 months. I can't believe I will have another toddler. She will have an evaluation done soon as well. They are coming to do the paperwork tomorrow. I voiced a few concerns to her doc and she was great about it. They want to watch her just in case, but can't make any official diagnosis yet. She's on the small side, weighing only 17 pounds at her 9 month checkup (and she was only a few days short of being 10 months). Her height is great though. She does have a somewhat small appetite. She's getting better at eating solids, such as Cheerios and mac/cheese, but won't eat but a few bites, then starts throwing it in the floor. So they want to see if they can help her with her feeding habits, as Christian has that problem now...still weighing only 35 pounds at 6 years old. She also doesn't babble much like other kids her age. She will go into "da-das" when she's angry, but its not often. By now she should do a lot more babbling than she is, as well as things like waving bye bye or pretending to talk on the phone or rock a baby doll. She is crawling well though and has great motor skills, even fine. She's trying to learn how to walk and cruises along the couch, table, or bed. She's still doing her arm flapping from time to time, so it's another thing we're watching, as well as her temper. She knows how to scream!

Monica is well...Monica. She'll be in 5th grade this coming year. Before long she will be in middle school, and I will officially feel seriously old hahaha! She feels like a teen to me already. Mouthy. Attitude. LAZY! And of course...spoiled...especially by her daddy and grandma. She told her daddy she wanted Guitar Hero for the XBox 360 and well...guess what we got this weekend? The World Tour thing with the drums, guitar, and mic. So yeah I've been hearing a bunch of banging and old music that has tripped me back in time coming from their humble abode. But today of all days, she has tested my nerves, so I'm ready for the weekend to get here. Her and her daddy are spending the weekend with his parents, as he's going to remodel their bathroom. Their tub overflowed and everything needs fixing, so they are totally redoing it. I decided to stay at home with the youngest two, as I don't think Christian would take the demo part very well. He freaked out when we cleared out our cabinets for a couple hours.